How to Properly Store Breast Milk with a Freezer Storage Device

freezer storage device

Breast milk is essential for a baby’s growth and development, and it’s important for mothers to store it properly to ensure its quality and safety. Freezing breast milk is a popular storage method, as it allows mothers to build up a stockpile for future use. However, it’s important to know how to properly store breast milk with a freezer storage device to maintain its nutritional value and reduce the risk of contamination. In this article, we’ll cover the steps for storing breast milk with a freezer storage device.

freezer storage device


Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to provide optimal nutrition and immunity to infants. However, there may be situations when mothers may have to be away from their babies, such as when returning to work or going on a trip. In such cases, they can store their breast milk for later use. Freezing breast milk is a convenient option, but it requires proper handling and storage to maintain its quality and safety. Here are some guidelines on how to properly store breast milk with a freezer storage device.

Choosing the Right Freezer Storage Device

The first step in properly storing breast milk with a freezer storage device is choosing the right container. It’s essential to select a container that is specifically designed for storing breast milk, as it will be made of safe materials and will have a secure closure. Plastic bags, glass containers, and hard plastic containers with tight-fitting lids are some options to consider. Make sure the container is clean and sterilized before use.

Prepping the Breast Milk

Before storing breast milk in a freezer storage device, it’s important to prep it properly. Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then, use a breast pump to express the milk into a clean container. You can use a manual or electric pump, depending on your preference. Once the milk is collected, allow it to cool down to room temperature. This will take around 30 minutes.

freezer storage device

Filling the Freezer Storage Device

When filling the freezer storage device, it’s important to leave some space at the top of the container, as the milk will expand when frozen. A general rule of thumb is to leave about an inch of space at the top. Label the container with the date and time the milk was expressed. This will help you keep track of the milk’s freshness and use it in the right order.

Freezing the Breast Milk

Once the breast milk is properly prepped and filled in the storage device, it’s time to freeze it. Place the container in the back of the freezer, where the temperature is the coldest. Avoid putting the container in the freezer door, as it may be exposed to temperature fluctuations. Make sure the freezer temperature is set at 0°F (-18°C) or below, as this is the recommended temperature for storing breast milk. The milk can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.

Thawing the Breast Milk

When you’re ready to use the frozen breast milk, you’ll need to thaw it properly. Avoid using a microwave to thaw breast milk, as it can cause hot spots and damage the milk’s quality. Instead, thaw the milk in the refrigerator overnight or by placing the container in a bowl of warm water. Once the milk is thawed, swirl it gently to mix the fat that may have separated. Use the thawed milk within 24 hours, and do not refreeze it.



Storing breast milk with a freezer storage device is an effective way to provide breast milk to your baby when you’re not able to breastfeed. However, it’s important to follow the guidelines for proper storage to maintain the milk’s nutritional value and reduce the risk of contamination. Choosing the right container, prepping the milk properly, leaving space at the top of the container, freezing it at the right temperature, and thawing the milk properly are all essential steps to ensure the quality and safety of the breast milk. By following these guidelines, you can build up a stockpile of breast milk and have peace of mind knowing that your baby is getting the best nutrition possible.

It’s worth noting that breast milk may vary in color, consistency, and smell, depending on the mother’s diet and other factors. This is normal and does not indicate a problem with the milk’s quality. However, if you notice any unusual changes in the milk, such as a sour smell or unusual color, it’s best to discard it and express fresh milk.

freezer storage device

In conclusion, properly storing breast milk with a freezer storage device is crucial for maintaining its quality and safety. By choosing the right container, prepping the milk properly, leaving space at the top of the container, freezing it at the right temperature, and thawing the milk properly, you can ensure that your baby gets the best nutrition possible. Remember to label the container with the date and time the milk was expressed and use the milk in the right order to prevent waste. With these guidelines, you can confidently build up a stockpile of breast milk and provide your baby with the best start in life.


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