MH Product Development was founded with the goal of providing quality products to assist parents and primary caregivers with the tasks and needs that are part of raising and caring for young children. This time in a child’s life is amazing and fun. While it is a wonderful experience to be part of, it can also be very demanding and challenging as a parent and primary caregiver. We hope to provide products to make it easier to focus on all the good stuff!

The idea for the Freeze Flat, and the companion products coming soon, were conceived of while our boys were infants and toddlers (many years ago now as you can see from a more recent photo). My wife is a nurse and breast fed both boys. She did an amazing job of handling the challenges of nursing and pumping during this time in the boys life. 

Go here to shop our Breastmilk Storage Device on Amazon.

The Freeze Flat Breast Pump Accessory, is “Amazon’s Choice”, which means it is a highly rated, well-priced product, available to ship immediately.

MH Product Development